Friday, August 21, 2009

Octopus Garden - 1st Grade

At the start of each school year the children at Lockeland make a piece of art with their photograph on it. Last year, when our 1st graders were in Kindergarten they made mushrooms houses and then drew themselves as a winged insect flying around it. This year - we are making an "Octopus Garden" that will hang down from the ceiling in the 1st grade hall.

I start the lesson by reading "My Visit to the Aquarium" by Aliki and we talk about the illustrations and recall visits to the aquarium. Next, I show them some videos and images of octopus listed here. Then I play the song by the Beatles and we all dance around like an octopus. Finally, the children draw an octopus following the "How to Steps" linked her. When they come back to class next time. We will be painting background paper - each group of five will have a color family and we'll rotate until everyone has painted each color family. When the paper is dry
we will draw octopus on it, cut it out, collage and an paste our photos on the top for the face.

With the leftover paper, we will cut swirls and other fancies that will make the rest of the garden.



How to:

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