During the first two weeks of art at Lockeland I will be reviewing or teaching our procedures for how to enter the art room, where to be seated for introductory lessons, how to get to the tables, how to line up, etc. It is also a time for going over rules and procedures. Luckily, Lockeland is great school filled with very respectful students and we already practice using only three simple rules: Respect, Responsible and Right Thing. I will begin the 2009-2010 school year by linking those three rules to our school wide them: Peace, Love and Understanding. We will brainstorm, compare and contrast how our rules measure up to these three words.
Next, I will show all the students (grade K-4) the peace symbols from this blog site and from a link for peace art posted below. The lesson will be adapted per grade level
but all students will create their own unique peace sign and write (depending on grade level) a word, sentence, or paragraph about peace and what it means to them. All symbols and writing will be displayed in the hallway thanks to parent volunteers. I don't always teach the same lesson to all grade levels but during certain parts of the year I will as a way to unify the children and our school.
Depending on how long we brainstorm, and talk about the variety of ways to illustrate the peace symbol, the children will have 1-2 art classes to create their peace sign. Meanwhile, other parent volunteers are photographing students for out next two projects that will be about creating peace portraits.